
Friday, May 1, 2015

Liebster Award - Discover New Blogs!

Thank you to Amy at My Bright Bunch for nominating me for the Liebster Award!  I'll admit I wasn't too sure what the Liebster Award was but thanks to a little blog hopping I understand, and I am very grateful for the nod!  Be sure to check out the bloggers I nominated at the end of this post.
1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I started blogging in January of this year. I've always enjoyed writing and I love teaching so a teacher blog is the perfect solution! This is a much needed outlet for me.

2. What one word sums up the heart of your blog and why?
I'm new to the blogging world and fairly new to the teaching world so I'm just grateful to be able to share my experiences and have others lend an ear or an idea.

 3. Is there something you learned late in your blogging journey you wished you knew before?
I'm learning new things every day but a big one was make sure you find the original source of all photos you post that aren't yours so you can give credit where it's due.

 4. What is your favorite pastime other than blogging?
I have two kids so I'm usually feeding or putting to bed a tiny human! I love being a mom and spending time with my fam. I also really like to bake, read (especially series books), I love design, and anything Halloween. 

5. How many hours a week do you dedicate to your blog/TPT?
It fluctuates but around 10-30. I sneak in time during naps or stay up super late. 

6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy most?
I love teaching blogs and I get caught up on various home design blogs, but I have to admit I read daily and have for YEARS! 

7. Where does your blog inspiration come from? 
 My love for teaching and learning.

8. Which post that you've written are you most proud of?
I felt really good writing 20 Tidbits From a Career Change Teacher. It was cool to reflect on my journey to the classroom.

9. Is there a post you have been planning to do but have been postponing it for a while now?
I'm on maternity leave so I have big expectations for my blog once I return to the classroom!

 10. What is your favorite aspect of blogging?
The community aspect is very alluring. You can meet a lot of like-minded people through blogging. I love collaborating and talking to other teachers in real life and on the internet!

11. Which idea from a blog would you like to try yourself?
I am obsessed with Mentor Sentences. I read about them on Ideas by Jivey and  decided to do some research. I feel like they are going to make a huge impact on my students' writing!  I can't wait to use the idea in my classroom.

I nominate these awesome bloggers for the Liebster Award:

Markers and Mascara
First Grade Made

The Rules to Receiving this Award are:

-Link back to the blog that nominated you
-Answer the 11 questions posted by the nominator
-Nominate 5-11 people (blogs with followers less than 200) and link to them in your post
-Contact the nominees and let them know they have been nominated

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