
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wordless Wednesday - iPad Apps

I love this Wordless Wednesday linky
hosted by Mrs. Decarbo! 
My DonorsChoose project was funded and I'm SUPER excited to say that my students will have iPads in their classroom next year!!!!!
One problem.
I have no idea what the best apps are! S.O.S.!!!! I've googled of course, but I'd rather hear from the teachers themselves.
What apps are most effective in your classroom?


  1. Hi Ashley! Congrats on your iPads. Check out this article on about the 27 best word work apps for the elementary classroom. It was written by one of my district's technology integrators and it includes most of my favorites for ELA.
    Hope it is helpful! ~Mrs. R.

  2. I admit I'm pretty clueless about apps as well. However, I found an app last week on a blog and I'm in LOVE. The app is Math Slide and it's awesome. It's only a few dollars and allows up to 4 kids to play together on the ipad. We are using the addition game right now and its a great way to practice math facts.

    1. Thank you! Adding to my list. I have a 3 year old so I'm only familiar with preschool educational apps. Those won't work for 2nd grade!

  3. Hi Ashley, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can find details on my blog . Congrats!
