
Friday, September 11, 2015

Five For Friday - September 11th


It's been awhile. I must admit. The demands of being a mom to two and a full-time teacher have proven challenge-worthy! Add two sick kids and a cold for me into the mix and I've been pretty much useless (and using way more swear words than usual). But hey, I'm back and I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday!

Blogger was being really stubborn about uploading pictures but I was determined to blog so I added my photos through mobile Blogger and that's why they look so blurry :/  Anywho, DISNEY! My daughter turned 4 and we spent the day at Disney World to celebrate. It's convenient being just 3 hours away by car. Merida was the best meet and greet by far. Facial expressions for days!

She's the best!
I. Am. Winning. THE PENCIL WAR. I don't really even know how it happened. My original plan unraveled pretty quickly once I moved EVERYONE'S desks (on day 6) from tables to a U-shape but this quick fix turned out to be perfect. Each child has a library pocket with their name and student number stapled to the wall below the white board. They get three pencils a week, flagged with their student number and an eraser. If they still have all three pencils, sharp or not, by the end of the day on Friday they get a BIG FUZZY! I used industrial strength Velcro to stick these ugly plastic cups to their desks (THEY DON'T MATCH MY COLOR SCHEME *EYE TWITCHES*) and they keep one pencil, their Expo marker, any coupons they earn with their fuzzies, and a pen (not pictured) which I intend for them to use during Writer's Workshop.

We have been practicing place value and all the different ways to write numbers. Some of my friends really have it down and ALL of my friends love using their Expos on their desks.
This is what I came back to when I missed a day due to my little guy having his first fever. That is supposed to be a U shaped arrangement...There was also a crayon throwing war and extensive hallway races while I was away. Yep, we had to have the TALK pretty early on this year. My class is 70% boys and a whole lot of rowdy. It's going to be challenging year but I've got this. Right???? :O

My daughter started VPK and is really starting to like writing. It's so special to see her handwriting develop!

Woo! I forgot how much I loved blogging. Now I will go blogstalk everyone in the linky party. The ush.

Happy Friday!


  1. I am glad to know that other grades still have the infamous "Boy" problem! I have 13 boys and 5 girls. Those poor girls don't stand a chance!

    It looks like you had fun at Disney! I am so jealous you live so close!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Kara Mullens
    Mullens Madness

    1. It's a different world when you don't have enough girls to keep the boys in line! Haha!

  2. I love your pencil idea! What are the fuzzy's for that they earn? Sounds like you have a system, would love to hear about it!

    1. Hi! Mel D from Suesstastic is the brains behind Fuzzies. She has written a free posts about them but they're basically a reward system using craft poms. They use the poms they've accumulated over the week to "buy" classroom coupons. I have free coupons in my store. The kids love them!
