
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

TpT Seller Challenge Week 2: Dare to Dream
I'm going to keep this post about my TpT dreams short and sweet! Thanks again to the awesome hosts (Sparkling in SecondPeppy Zesty TeacheristaThird in Hollywood, and Teach Create Motivate)!

In general, my overall goal with TPT, my job as a teacher, my life as a mom and a wife is to just keep learning all that I can. I want to stay hungry and always be aiming to better myself. I want to get to a point where I'm super confident in my role as an educator and I know that will come with knowledge and experience.

I'm going into my third year of teaching so I'm still fresh, I'm still green. I want to hold onto that feeling for as long as I can. If I can stay inspired by this amazing profession, then it will show in my work, it will show in my creativity, and it will spill over into what I share on TPT.

Keep dreaming! I will never stop having something to look forward to. I will always be challenging myself even in small ways. I'm thankful to be somewhat part of a community full of dreamers! You guys are inspiring.


  1. I have been teaching for awhile now, and I can't agree more that you need to always have something to look forward to and be thinking about the next challenge. It helps to keep me positive and motivated to improve!

  2. Hi Ashley!
    Your post was inspiring! I've taught 11 years and through that time I've learned it's teachers like you that make some of the best teachers.

    Made with Love

  3. Isn't it great? By sharing and learning from others we keep getting better and better as teachers :)
