
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Scoop - March 22

I'm linking up with Teaching Trio for The Sunday Scoop in what will be my first linky party!

Here's my 3-2-1:

have to do...
1.  I've started chapters 7-11 of my Math Vocab Matching Center Part 2 to go along with Part 1 (which covers chapters 1-6 of the Go! Math curriculum for second grade). Check out that resource {HERE}.  It includes many essential vocab words students need to know in order to really grasp math concepts! The included words go way beyond the vocab in the text book. You'll see a lot of math words and language that would most likely be on an exam and that are essential to know in order to have effective math talks. Part 2 will have even MORE words. {PART 2 is complete - check it out HERE or save and get the BUNDLE}
2. Nuff said. Ew.
3. The first book is SAH GOOD. I'm half way through the second but I got a little busy having a baby so I put it down for a couple of months. I have missed you, Jamie Fraser.

hope to do...
1. LOTS to do with this resource.  The past couple of years I felt like I was often scurrying to find effective shared reading materials that were relevant to the month or that were aligned with Common Core. So, I'm creating my own. The end.
2. GradeCam looks super interesting and I need to know more. I'm into anything that makes grading tests and inputting data quicker.

happy to do...
1. My three year old starts dance classes on Monday! I can't wait to get her some fancy outfits to go with her fancy (and vintage... it was mine!) dance bag.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I'd love to hear more about grade cam! Let me know if you end up posting about it. I'm always looking for something new, and it sound amazing!

    I love that dance bag so much! It must be so fun to shop for outfits with your little one!

    Have a great week!

    Mrs O Knows

    1. Thanks!! Nothing cuter than a kid in a tutu! I am the same - always looking for a way to work smarter not harder. I will let you know!
      - Ashley

  2. Sunday Scoop is a great linky party to join! It's always fun finding new blogs through the link-up! That is absolutely adorable that your daughter gets to use your dance bag! So nice to be able to pass things along to her and I bet she loves it! Have a wonderful week!


    1. I love teaching blogs! They're such a wealth of knowledge because every teacher has new ideas or ways of doing things. I can't wait to see her in her full dance ensemble! Thanks for the visit :) Happy Sunday!
      - Ashley

  3. My friends was just mentioning GradeCam...not too sure what it's all about but when I hear two mentions a day apart...I better look into it.

    I miss the tutu days! Enjoy every second!

    1. Exactly! I'm going to dl the free trial and start poking around.
      - Ashley

  4. So I'm interested in how Grade Cam works for you. I tried it once but the camera kept crashing. I was using the built in camera on my MacBook. Let me know if you have better success with it! I would love to be able to use it!

    1. I would try your doc cam! I know GradeCam is compatible with a lot of models. I'm hoping to become a pro at the software. If that happens, I'll do a post!

  5. WOW it sounds like you have lots on your plate this week! I'm loving your daughters 'vintage' bag- I've still got mine! Have a lovely week Xx

    1. I checked one off the list today! The most fun one of course :) Have a great week as well!
